Category: Mindset

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What is Whole Foods Plant-Based Eating?

By Pip Harragin, Plant-Based Coach for Create My Weight There are a lot of definitions, opinions, and labels out there when we talk about whole foods eating. There is the whole foods diet, the plant-based diet, and then the whole foods plant-based diet. But I’m here to simplify things: to

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What is an All-or-Nothing Mindset?

By: Keysa Amaro, Mindset Coach and Emotional Eating Specialist for Create My Weight An All-or-Nothing Mindset is where you believe you have to be perfect at something, and if you aren’t,  then you have failed. And when you fail, you tend to fall hard into the deep end.  For example,

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Is Too Much Cardio Bad for You?

We’ve all seen gym-goers glued to their cell phones while climbing the Stairmaster or riding the stationary bike or elliptical, sweating it out while patiently waiting for 20 – 45 minutes to end. It’s either an everyday routine or a forced occurrence after a cheat meal (or weekend). Yes, cardiovascular

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